The advisory board members of SADA, led by Chairman Sakyibu, Nana Mawerehene Kofis, and Prophet Wisdom Aha, along with eight other members, had a significant meeting with Nananom at the Sefwi-Asawinso palace. We introduced SADA and explained our vision, goals, and mission. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and Nananom expressed their full support for our association.

We discussed our need for an operational office and were offered a space at the palace. However, Prophet Wisdom Aha requested the office at the cane factory to maintain our independence, which Nananom graciously agreed to. We visited the cane factory and inspected the office space, which is now ready for us to furnish.
Today’s endeavors concluded successfully. Our next steps include meetings with the regional minister, MCE, and security agencies.
Additionally, key members of our advisory board will appear on the DBDB show with Polo Esposito at 8:00 AM tomorrow to address the Sefwi Asawinso community for the first time.
We are grateful for the unwavering support of Nananom and look forward to making significant progress together.
Above is an image capturing the moment with both SADA advisory board members and Nananom. A video of how the conversation went on will follow.
Let’s continue to rise together!
Filed by Prophet Wisdom Aha